15 years experience
living on the land

Learn skills for
a good life in nature
Almost 300 people
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Workshop: using herbs for your health

Saturday 22 June 2024
10:00 - 16:00
Bogata Šuma, Zivkovic Kosa 11, Vojnic, Croatia
€ 50,- including tea, cookies and lunch


Herbs for tea

"Great to be in the garden and identify more wild herbs, and seeing Barbara's way of doing things by getting a project done in an effective, relaxed and fun way." - Mark Griffin, England

This day is about wild and cultivated herbs, how and when to collect them, what parts to use, how to dry them, how to store them and how to make yourself a good cup of herbal tea.

Collecting wild and cultivated herbs
During the morning we will make a walk and Barbara will tell you about the wild and cultivated herbs we see. Common herbs that grow "everywhere" (when you know where to look) in this part of Croatia and also some cultivated herbs from our garden.

In this workshop you will learn what herbs you can use, which parts, how to dry and store them and how to turn herbs into a tea, a tincture, a hydrolat, an oil infusion or a cream.

At the venue you can buy organic herbs and plants, tinctures and self care products like hand or facial creams and deodorant.

Interested in this workshop about herbs?

Send an email to barbara@bogatasuma.eu or call +385 (0)95 5555 677


Collecting herbsCollecting herbs


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